Toma Haines – My Way, Training and Experience

RPC News • May 12, 2017
couple of years ago I found myself in a situation where I didnt know how to get up. I wanted to hide under the covers. And stay there. Forever. Given I have the worlds finest linen Pandora de Balthazar European Luxury Bedding it was tempting. But I knew that wasnt the solution. I called Royal Private Coach and I said, (excuse my language) „I Need to Beat the Shit out of Something. And Julius Khn showed up. The fact hes a male model in addition to being a personal trainer helped with the motivation to not only get out of bed, but put on lipstick. Julius gave me a pair of boxing gloves. And he showed me how to hit. He also showed me how to fall. And how to get back up again.
One moment laying on the floor panting praying Julius wouldnt make me move – I remembered how as a child I would lay on the floor on my stomach drawing. I wanted to be a fashion designer. I drew dresses and painstakingly cut out diamonds and rubies and pearls and glued them paper. Hours were spent creating the perfect accessories.
Last summer I was introduced to a jewelry factory and I had the opportunity to fulfill a life fantasy – to launch my own jewelry line – creating and designing – the TCH COLLECTION
Launching this jewelry collection is a wonderful moment of empowerment. Life happens. What matters in life isnt what happens to you but how you respond to the situation. When you fall down, you get up. You simply #DivaUp.
I bring you the first piece in my collection – the Diva Knucklebuster. Its #PrettyDeadly. Thank You Royal Private Coach, Julius Khn and Jrgen Kieweg for being part of my story. Thank you Scarab Antiques for believing in me enough to distribute me. And to those of you who will buy the @TCH COLLECTION – This collection was created as a reminder to love yourself and believe in yourself. Take time to think what makes you happy. Make your dreams come true.